New Local Business Blog

New Local Business Blog

New Local Business Blog

What would you do if you spent your days making websites for small businesses but also quite liked to write from time to time? I don’t know about you but I’d start a blog. This one.

What to expect

You could have a website for your business or you could just be the local bricks and mortar type. The fact is, your potential customers are increasingly going online to search for what your business offers, whatever that is. So it’s important that they can find out about you online when they search for relevant subjects.

I aim to cover a whole range of subjects in this blog that will help you get your local business seen above your competitors. There’ll be quick tips and tricks on small things you can do to help boost discoverability. I’ll be writing full guides and tutorials on more in-depth things. You can expect some assorted musings, as well as offers and discount voucher codes which I find to help your local business thrive online.


Be sure to subscribe to stay in the loop. I’ll keep you informed whenever I write a new blog post (especially important if it’s a time-sensitive tip). I’ll send you the odd exclusive offer from time to time. You can also follow me on Facebook and Twitter, if you like. Let’s get your local business online!

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